Evidens for psykoanalytisk psykoterapi
Psykoanalytisk psykoterapi er en evidensbaseret behandling, hvilket betyder, at effekten af psykoanalytisk behandling har vist sig signifikant i en lang række af videnskabelige undersøgelser og studier. Dette gælder både den klassiske psykoanalyse, kortere varende psykoanalytisk psykoterapi, mentaliseringsbaserede behandlinger (MBT) og dynamisk interpersonel terapi (DIT).
Hvis du vil vide mere om evidens og psykoanalyse kan du få et hurtigt overblik ved at se en YouTube video, se herunder, med den amerikanske psykoanalytiker og psykiater John Thor Cornelius
For yderligere information, se nedenstående referencer:
Abbass, A., Luyten, P., Steinert, C., Leichsenring, F. (2017).
Bias toward psychodynamic psychotherapy. Framing the problem and working towards a solution.
Journal of Psychiatric Practice, Vol. 23, No. 5.
Alberdi, F. og Rosenbaum, B. (2010).
Evidens for psykodynamisk psykoterapi.
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Alberdi, F., Rosenbaum, B. (2017).
Evidens for Psykodynamisk Psykoterapi.
Statusartikel 2017, Ugeskrift for læger.
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Randomized controlled trial of outpatient mentalization-based treatment versus structured clinical management for borderline.
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Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Research: Evidence-Based Practice and Practice Based Evidence
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Psychodynamic Therapy meets evidensbased medicine.
Lancet Psychiatry, 2:648-60.
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Review of meta-analyses of outcome studies of psychodynamic therapy. I PDM Task Force, red. Psychodynamic diagnostic manual. Silver Spring, MD: Alliance of Psychoanalytic Organizations.
Leichsenring, F & Rabung, S. (2008).
Effectiveness of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy: a meta analysis.
JAMA, 300 (13), 1551-1565.
Leichsenring, F & Rabung, S. (2009).
Analyzing effectiveness of long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. JAMA, 301 (9), 930-933.
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The effectiveness of long-term psychoanalytic therapy: a systematic review of empirical studies.
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